A very dark, almost crispy african american individle. Who has stand out white teeth.
Peter Mensah (spartacus blood and sand) is a Johney Darko
by Lil wayns cousin November 2, 2011
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A dope underground Rapper that people stay sleeping on, guys got mad skills but doesn't have the fanbase to take full advantage of it.
"I been through the game you ain't never seen, Coke, Crack, Promethazine, any Narcotic that a Hooker fiend" - "Another Black Sunday" by Donnie Darko
by ReepsOne March 7, 2012
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a really good movie about a "borderline schitzophrenic" who see's a 6-foot demonic looking bunny rabbit named frank frank tells donnie the world will end and donnie is given a gift of super streghth,telekinesis,mind reading,and some other stuff.at the end he die in a jesus type of way in the tangent universe to save the real universe.great movie if you dont like it oh well there's other movies like pulp fiction and stuff
devoted fan:donnie darko is the best movie ever!
weirdo who hates donnie darko:no pulp fiction is the best
devoted fan:okay umm.. that came out awhile ago this is new so (slap)
by kite822 May 24, 2005
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normally reference to trash it also uses to describe a person who is salty and has bad luck or a person who got undeserved stuff when he tries to accomplish something it rarely succeeds
Darko//Konoe you got an promotion to etc
by Darko//Konoe August 27, 2020
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Another movie for the Psuedo-intellectual 13 year olds to orgasm over. It is not as good as everyone claims, and half the time the people who think it is some cinematic masterpiece don't even get it.
omgz Donnie darko is the kewlest movie ever, look at my new frank the bunny t shirt iam so original lollerz
by Badger March 7, 2005
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An overrated movie. It's most often liked by people who think they're cool just because they like it.
Dickhead 1: Dude, Donnie Darko is such a tight movie! It's Patrick Swayze's best since "Point Break."
Dickhead 2: Yeah, and it's got a really sweet bunny in it too.
by kingdick April 22, 2005
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A overated movie that creates the illusion its for smart people who think that just because it has a talking rabbit and time travel that it is complicated, its just another angsty teen movie thats shows how stupid this generation and their lack of ability to pay attention.
Guy 1 : I didn't like Donnie Darko, not a good film
Guy 2 : OMG u didn't like it becuz you did not understand it!
by Thomson July 28, 2004
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