person one: hey who discovered America?

person two: not Columbus
by frog leader May 6, 2021
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Dead guy that used a compass to get lost
I can hear the teacher man talking about Columbus
He nothing but an old dead fuck with a compass
Ran up on a beach and threw everybody off
And then he claimed discovery and now we all applaud
by ZombieRonReagan August 24, 2021
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An Italian explorer who rediscovered a continent that most Europeans at the time had no previous knowledge of, and whose voyages set off further exploration and colonization of this "New World," resulting in his being credited for its discovery.
Things CAN be discovered more than once. In general, people in Europe didn't know about the Americas before Columbus' voyages, and the resulting colonization means that most of the people living in the Americas today are at least partially descended from Europeans. No one alive today who says that Columbus discovered America actually thinks the land was uninhabited when he found it. The proper understanding is that, from a eurocentric point of view, Christopher Columbus discovered America, which is true.
by Ima Linguist September 28, 2020
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An italian admiral famous for having discovered the Salvador islands in october 1492. He reached his destination after over 70 days of navigation, and erroneously thought he landed in the eatern Indies, hence the term "Western Indies" to refer to America (which takes the name after another famous italian explorer, Amerigo Vespucci) and the use of "Indian" to refer to north american natives. Recently the image of Columbus was defiled by left leaning political agendas that labeled him as a murderous power hungry invader, yet despite this people always forget that without him the modern geopolitical landscape of the New World woudn't exist, including the USA. He was a great man who had the balls to venture through uncharted waters with the ever looming risk to never come back, and he deserves every bit of respect one could possibly give. Also despite Leif Eriksson having discovered modern Terranova 200 years earlier, he never created trade routes nor permanent colonies and thus his contribution to exploration can be considered negligible compared to Columbus.
Christopher Columbus' statue was recently defiled by a bunch of brainwashed rich college boys with guilt complexes
by sepia_officinalis April 16, 2021
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The day that Columbus set foot in America.
If you think he didn't, you're a moron. Yes. he wasn't the first European to set foot in America, that was Leif Erikson. However, Leif didn't make monumental colonies spreading across the continent. This makes Columbus the third person not from America to step there -- first was Leif Erikson, then Mansa Musa's predecessor, then Columbus.

And no, this day doesn't celebrate the deaths of native Americans...
History fanatic, learn history.
Happy Columbus day, mate!
Happy Columbus day!
by Sylaswwww July 30, 2021
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A sexual act in which the arm pit is used to give a hand job to a male partner. The arm swings back and forth like the person administering the job is rowing a boat. Two people receiving can be used to accomplish a full rowboat effect.
"Martha's shaved arm pits sure made for a good Columbus rowboat last night."
by MegatronTitsYEah November 10, 2008
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When you shit and cum at the same time. Christopher Columbus discovered North America by accident (cuming). He then went back to tell about it (shitting)
Man, I was so worried in the interview because the employee there was so hot, I had a Columbus meltdown!
by Flimbob13 October 8, 2019
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