Best. Cartoon. Ever. On. Tv.

That is, with the exception of the simpsons. Of course.

Let me try and explain: A high school filled with teenage clones of significant historical figures. Abe Lincoln, JFK, Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, and others going to high school with each other. Hilarity ensues.
I was watching clone high the other day, and principal scudworth goes, 'Raise the roof, ya'll! RRRAISE IT!' then mr. b goes, 'WHERE ARE MY BITCHES.' it was awesome.
by rainmelon July 1, 2004
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When you call your machine to leave yourself a message to assure you won't forget something.

Clone Calling: the act of making a clone call.
Kathy; Hey, don't forget that we have tickets to the Styx Concert on the 29th!

Wendy: I don't have my calender, let me make a clone call.
by Almalphia September 27, 2010
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A person's intellectual clone is someone who believes what that person believes and knows what that person knows.
Intellectual clone is a metaphorical term. The possibility of two people actually being intellectual clones is small.
by Robert M. Goldberg July 25, 2006
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Any faggot totally obsessed with bam margera. They have the clothes the boarding equipment (even if they don't skate) and try to act like him.
by gg allin December 7, 2004
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A person who "clones" (copies) the SoundCloud producer known as bsterthegawd who often makes edgy boom bap beats with Asian girls as his thumbnails for his songs
lovue and magic are such bster clones
by magicprod October 5, 2021
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A effects pedal for electric guitar manufactured by Electro-Harmonix. Generates the chorus, analog chorus, and 12-string sounds. Was used and publicized by the late Kurt Cobain.
The song Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana sounds so good because Kurt was using his Small Clone.
by GuitarLover December 14, 2006
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1.Mindless organism not capable of thought
2.The popular kids at any high school that dress and act alike, they all have the exact same tastes and talk the exact same way. Anything they do is based on an existing trend, they often listen to the same music and have the same expressions.(almost always but not necessarily an asshole)(some would say they are incapable of making their decisions)
3.To say you represent something and think it's better, but not know why
4.Sometimes considered the modern jock
At my school they all where Billabong, Quiksilver, and Volcom clothes and all listen to Silverstein, As I Lay Dying, and other similar bands(not because they like the music or clothes, but because it is popular), frequently heard saying things like 'fire it up' or 'party it up' or 'don't even worry about it' all said in idiotic tones with no sarcasm. If you go to high school and are described by these things you are a full blown clone kid, sorry
by Mikeisme February 28, 2007
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