To projectile launch one's semen into the face or oral area of another, usually positioned on their knees.
"If you beat me in ping-pong one more time I'm gonna clinton you in the face!"
"Damn, I just got clintoned again"
by Hillary C October 9, 2006
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A man had a blow job, possibly smoked pot, and was from Arkansas. These are the reasons why people love him and people hate him. Alot of people bitch about him being the worst president, when probably the only bad decisions he made really didn't have anything to do with America. He was impeached, but never kicked out of office. A president like him should never be tried to be booted out. We should impeach presidents who are homophobic, uber-christian, illeterate, Texans. Hopefully, we will never elect an asshole like that.
President BUSH? Why are we not impeaching this douche?
by The Zookeeper June 7, 2005
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I didn't like Clinton much when he was president, but now that we have this asshole Bush, I really miss him.
by Ookpick GooseFrubba August 20, 2005
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Someone blamed for everything that Dubya and other Republicans skrew up. For example, Republicans blame Clinton for not fighting terrorism when the Republican Congress during both his terms refused to let him fight terrirism, create a homeland security department (but which they decided was a good idea after 9/11). Blamed for 9/11 even thought Bush spent the 3 months out of his first 9 in office on vacation not fighting al-Quaida.
Dubya: Shit, I've skrewed up again, it turns out that the terrorists can run AND hide.
Cheney (in Satanic Voice): Don't worry, we'll blame it on Clinton.
by Bush Hater March 17, 2005
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A neighborhood formerly known as Hell's Kitchen on the West Side of Mid-Town Manhattan, NY. It is the hood in which Hell Rell of The Diplomats calls home. It is arguably one of the toughest hoods in Manhattan below Harlem.
"I'm young, I'm hungry, I'm fresh out of Clinton" - Hell Rell
by Patrick Solomon July 2, 2006
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a presedent, who while sky-rocketing tax rates on all classes, encountered many terrorist attacks to which he did nothing, kept the economy good, had sex with an inturn, before lieing about it under oath, which is a fellony, became the first presedent in over 100 years to be impeached, did nothing of what he said he would do after his first election, somehow got people to belive him again, and gave pardens in exchange for money twords his library, his second fellony.
clinton is a liar and a criminal.
by Bob Hope III December 31, 2005
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