The minutes and hours after ejaculation when a man's brain becomes very clear and he is able to reflect, plan, and make difficult decisions without his sexual urges clouding his thoughts and judgement. It is also known as post nut clarity .
Brendan: Yo bro, I think I might marry this girl! She's all I've been thinking about all week.
Joe: Whoa!! Slow down there buddy, how about you think about this after jerkin off? Trust me, the universe appears completely different when you have that post ejaculation clarity!
by my_own_summer September 22, 2019
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The sensation which happens after ejaculating and makes one feel very lucid and aware.

Symptoms of it are feeling regretful if you have masturbated to something very weird. This sensation makes a man lose interest in women for a short period of time and often makes one regret an upcoming date since they as said lost a sex drive for a short period of time.

It may be an evolutionary trait for males to leave a female after impregnation or mating.

Possible cause may be hormones and an immediate blood rush into the brain causing such lucidity, awareness, and regret.
I cannot think of an example of this word being used in a sentence, since normally i wouldn't talk about it. But post nut clarity is a very weird and unexplainable thing
by xXMeemLord3225Xx April 20, 2021
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The eudaimonia and mental clarity achieved after busting a fat nut, best achieved with having sex with a person you truly love
Dude 1: I couldn’t study Stat Mech for shit. So I went out with this girl I met on tinder and fucked her doggy style.
Dude 2: What does this have to do with Stat Mech.
Dude 1: The Post Nut Clarity made everything click.
by True_Lust July 22, 2019
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Post Nut Clarity is like having a steak dinner in front of you, but you just ate. It should be great and it normally is, but you have already had enough. Post means after, as in after you leak juices from your penis, and the clarity is from the thought beams that shine down into your head.
Person 1: Yo bro Samantha gave me head but I got post nut clarity after so I did the dash

Person 2: damn that sucks bro
by RacksonRacks403 May 17, 2019
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Post-Calorie Clarity (or PCC) is a phenomenon similar to post-nut clarity, but instead of an orgasm you get a feeling of regret for eating so much unhealthy food, because you followed your cravings instead of following your goddamn meal plan.
"I cheated man, I did it again"
"Holy shit, don't you dare tell me..."
"I ate 2 packs of noodles man, and I LOVED IT"
"Did the Post-Cal Clarity hit at least?"
"Yeah it did, after my 4th slice of pizza"
"Wait, you ate noodles AND pizza?"
by Dangerous Singularity August 26, 2021
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After the adrenaline wears off and you regret everything.
1:how ya doin, are your cuts healing
2:I’m having post cut clarity
by RMS Teutonic June 16, 2021
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The realization one has after he's finished coding. You suddenly see how shit your code is and that it needs a complete rewrite.
*post-code clarity hits* Fuck, did I really write this?
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