A character from the Street Fighter video games. Crazy-ass kung fu bitch whose sole purpose in life is to stick her size 9 boot far up M. Bison's ass.
And so the Lord said unto thee: "Chun Li! Thou shalt lay the royal smackdown on M. Bison's bitch ass." And Chun Li did beat the shit out of M. Bison, and it was good, and the people rejoiced.
Chun Li 3:16
by DarkMillennia August 26, 2003
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The term "Brother Chun" (春哥) has been widely used and abused to refer to the Chinese female singer Li, Yuchun due to her apparent androgynous appearance.

Nowadays, Brother chun is not only a real man, but also a religion.

It is commonly believed that, the true believers of Brother Chun shall never fail any course throughout their entire college life.
Believe in Brother Chun, and you shall pass all the exams!
by true_chun_believer December 12, 2010
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someone who is incredibly chun.
you're a chun-bag for giving so much homework.
by sumwhatkiller November 30, 2010
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The Street Fighter character who never skipped leg day.
Chun Li performing spammed kick moves: YUH! YUH! YUH!
by Balakay21 August 28, 2015
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The 1st lady of Street Figher. She wants to put the hurtin' on Bison because he killed her dad.
by Evil Tim September 21, 2003
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A female character from Street Fighter 2 who is often viewed as the Queen of Fighting Games. Chun-Li is a Chinese policewoman who hails from Hong Kong, and practices Kung-Fu. As many people know, her most striking feature are her muscular legs, which she uses to deliver a blinding flurry of powerful kicks to attack her opponents with. Chun-Li is also able to shoot blasts of energy from her hands, which she calls Kikoken, and incorporates many acrobatic, high flying moves into her moveset that gives her a further edge over her opponents. Chun-Li personality wise is very sweet natured and loyal to her allies, she also possesses a strong sense of justice, as she won't stand for seeing people take advantage of others. Chun-Li's most recent appearance was in Street Fighter V, where she apparently has enough alternate costumes to fill a wardrobe the size of Texas, not that many male players complain that is.
I'd advise not picking a fight with Chun-Li, it's better that you go home and be a family man
by Metallicajunkie October 9, 2018
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Another word For John Lok, phat face
John lok has chun on his face
by Brian Sin February 17, 2004
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