THE (with a capital "T") WORST show Nickelodeon has EVER released.

Fanboy and Chum Chum follows the life of a superhero fanboy who hangs out with his 5-year-old looking friend and go on misadventures.

I was going to all out rant, but it's not worth it. Just don't watch this show. It has BAD animation that makes every character look as if they were inbred, the dialogue is HORRIBLE, and plot seems to have been written by 10-year-olds. They are senseless and follow the most immaturest of things. Fart jokes and gags?

Where did Nick go wrong...
Mike: (calls Jim)
Jim: Hello?
Mike: Hey, Jim. You doing anything? If not, let's chill
Jim: Nahhh, bro. Fanboy and Chum Chum's on!
Mike: (hangup)

3 days later Jim's found dead in his basement with Fanboy and Chum Chum DVDs stuffed down his throat.
by Mad Gee August 9, 2010
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friend, pal, mate, or matey (addressed towards a cute girl you want to have in bed)
basically someone who's ass you would slap in the boys locker room or someone who's ass you want to grab and squeeze ;)
"hows it going chum?"

"lets go catch a flick later chum"

"will you be my chum?"
by iLovecheekie February 4, 2009
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the act of having unprotected intercourse with a woman during her menstrual cycle, a.k.a. on the rag
man, i went chumming last night and woke up this morning crusted to my bedsheets.... looked like my penis was involved in stabbing something to death.
by The White Chocolate May 2, 2008
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The best anime in existance its so funny that you'll fucking die, lmao hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, fuck you, time to get THE H BOP
by Dr Bright March 12, 2020
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noun: slang for hot or warm sperm
girl: yum i love your hot chum in my mouth i havnt had this for a long time
by punckrock October 25, 2004
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Having sex, or any type of sexual relations with another person.
" Man I walked into my bed room, and found Becca and Stone chumming in my bed."
by xxkookie70 January 27, 2012
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