Something that costs a lot of money and is non-essential or unattractive.
"Damn baby, those shoes are so ugly they ain't nothin' but cake eaters"
by Camus January 20, 2006
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one who eats cake, goes to a rich school, and is so rich that they can eat so much cake, they don't care
boy in bus yells to a rich school girl hey! you! cake eater! come have some cake!
by dukefanantic95 March 16, 2010
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Someone that eats too many donuts at breakfast, which results in him being a fat ass. He can't resist the syrupy glaze of donuts, danishes and other assorted pastries.
Jarett the cake eater downed 6 donuts, 4 danishes and a cinnabon at the breakfast meeting this morning.
by CakeMuncher September 18, 2007
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a 1920's word used by college or college bound students to decribe a lower class young urban person.
There was a lot of cake eaters at the dance. They were generally better dancers than the collegiates.
by Bill March 9, 2005
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1) One who eats Cake, either on a regular occasion or on rare events or anywhere in between.
Oh dude don't invite the cake eater to your birthday party, all your cake will be eaten.
by Samurai - Anji April 24, 2008
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