Blitz = Blitzwar

Is a game that reproduce the board game of Risiko, but you can play it online with your friends.
Dodo: "What do we do tonight?"
Braso: "Blitz??"
by Masson's on 3! August 27, 2023
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Phrase coined from the show How I Met Your Mother.

The person who leaves right before something awesome happens. As soon as The Blitz leaves, something great happens and they all tell the Blitz about it in the morning.

Being the Blitz is a curse you don't want to have, making everyone believe that only the Blitz's departure will make the night exciting. The curse is usually passed from person to person.

Named for Matt Blitz who Ted and Marshall went to college with - left right before the school became co-ed.
The curse of the Blitz is passed on to Ted and the next morning he realizes he missed something.

Everyone: THE GENTLEMAN!!!
Ted: What was that?

Barney: Oh, Blitz, you had to be there.
Ted: I'm not the Blitz!
by morgz1 January 1, 2012
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Devouring a fat ass meal under 5-10 minutes
"I just blitzed the shit outta that burger"
by blitzmaster April 11, 2021
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In the event one has a bowel movement so monstrous (and is unfortunately on the go, not near a public bathroom) that no other word is fit to describe the intense urgency and sheer pain it poses to the lower abdomen, blitz is used to punctuate this truly craptastic situation. It is a verb.

"Is the reason you're holding my hand so hard because you have to blitz?"
by The Noon July 7, 2012
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A term used by gangster's in London to describe an automatic fire-arm such as a MAC-10.
"I got da blitz in my waist"
"ill blitz dem boy down fam"
by rknor March 10, 2015
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Salutation used by showboat rudeboys, when parting company.
Safe, 'blitz', im gone.

or simply... blitz!
by ski' b March 27, 2010
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When you nut inside yo girl by accident, it’s commonly referred to as blitzing.
Yo, last night I blitzed inside my girl and she had to take a Plan B
by bigdealio98 December 20, 2017
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