The largest and most powerful African to exist. He has all the normal powers of a black person such as immunity to bullets, ability to jump 450 ft in the air, and seduce any white woman into bed. He also has the strength of 50 black men and has a 4 ft penis which when inserted is nearly lethal. Be careful if you ever encounter Blacky Mcniggs because he has a very short temper and has been known to kill a man with nothing more than his fat lips and his gapped teeth.
by treflip4life July 22, 2010
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a 57-year-old brit of unknown origins who has spent the past 19 years of his life in a coal mine turning his skin black. he smokes 17 packs a day and his voice is what can only be described as a mixture of phlegm and sandpaper. due to the tar from the fags his lungs have been turned entirely black also.
hay have you seen blacky tabacy ? I heard the fags turned his skin black.
by diabetes dick January 20, 2021
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A person who is heavier in weight and happens to be black in color. A Fatty Blacky can also be a Taylor. In the definition for the word "Taylor" it said that she is Black and Fat. So next time you see your friend Taylor, make sure you call her Fatty Blacky.
That girl is such a fatty blacky!
Look at that fatty blacky!
Oh look it's Taylor, I mean, Fatty Blacky!
by Eisner forevess February 20, 2010
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A fat black man that that prays upon evil do'ers, he comes out of your closet at night and beats you, and will most likley make hard love to you while you sleep.
Man you better be nice to johnny or the " Blacky Monster ' will get you tonight!
by jimmies December 12, 2007
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An ethnic slur for a person part African and part Asian
"That Tiger Woods is such a blackie chan, cheating on his wife like that..."
by The_Atheist_Truth March 15, 2010
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A rapper from Cleveland, which had many names such as: Lil Black, Blackie Montana, Lil Blackie. Blackie had a lot of rapper friends which were mostly in a gang calledd LaFlexicO but most of them fell out and had beef.
She know Blackie Montana get them bands
by >>>Eddie March 18, 2021
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