Awful, cheesy 90's music that Dj's play in a desperate attempt to make us reminisce a better, perhaps simpler time. The result is usually old people and the distasteful get up for a dance. This can either be funny of disastrous.
Guy A: Dude this DJ is killing me by playing all this backstreet noise.

Guy B: I know man, I don't know whether to laugh or cry
by Jakob Mirdoc May 26, 2009
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1. Popular in Western Canada. Slang referring to hobo reserve indians who do not have a job , loiter , harass others, vandalize, live for booze, steal anything, go to pawn shops and wander aimlessly around an urban area. They mostly all hibernate in wintertime at their cousins.

2. A disgraceful homeless man who wanders around and is ready to steal from productive members of society at a moment's notice
That backstreet boy was in my dumpster again picking bottles out of my toilet paper and used condoms . YUCK!
by Old school bossman September 10, 2020
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the effect of hearing something which at first seems unappealing but then upon further review and repetitions, begins to seem pleasant
yo did u hear that new linkin park song?...yea man its man jus wait until the backstreet boys effect sets in.
by Burger King, Wizard of Oz July 15, 2006
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the effect of hearing something which at first seems unappealing but then upon further review and repetitions, begins to seem pleasant
yo did u hear that new linkin park song?...yea man its man jus wait until the backstreet boys effect sets in.
by Burger King, Wizard of Oz July 16, 2006
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The term can be split into three (maybe misconceivable) interpretations.

1) The berating of calling someone a "backstreet batty boy" by saying that the male/boy in question takes it up the anal passage.

2) Provoking their appearence,sexuality preference and general attitude by chaining the term to the half who adore and those who scorn, the "Backstreet Boys"

3) A male prostitute on service to the paying street community for "jobs" and pleasural gratification.
Whoa oh gang,check out the "Backstreet Batty Boy" on the verge of our presence to suffer a mocking.

Why won't that "Backstreet Batty Boy" on benders avenue take up a legal laborious job.
by SquirrelPower July 20, 2008
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This isn't a term so much as it is a label. It refers to all of the tools that live in Belmar New Jersey, USA. Unfortunately, Belmar Backstreet Boys represent the majority of the population. They are loud, boisterous, and cocky. This cockiness can arise as a result of the ingestion of human growth hormone. However, it also arises from an inexplicable sense of entitlement. If you're trying to spot an undercover Belmar Backstreet Boy, they can usually be heard signaling each other through their use of terms of endearment. One such term of endearment is "bro."
Bry-"Hey John, wanna surf?"
John-"Chill bro...I'm in a meeting."
Bry-"I'm relaxed, all I did was ask a question."
John-"I'll get back to you when I reconnect with the rest of the Belmar Backstreet Boys."

Ticklish Pete-"Hey John, would you mind bringing my surfboard to Nick's since you stole it 3 years ago and I haven't seen it since."
John-"Bro, calm down, OK bro? Damn bro..."
by b Money333 June 24, 2009
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