Feminist ,always tries to start an argument is a monkey
Armando is a boy
by Greatly new definer2.0 April 2, 2017
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Armando is a handsome guy, more like a gentlemen to be precise and Maya is a beautiful girl who will be a very loyal and funny girl in a relationship, but when Armando and a Maya get together this will be one of the greatest couples known, they will RARELY argue and will most likely last forever. Once you meet this couple make sure to never let them go.
Guy 1: Hey did you see those people over there? They looked very happy together. Who are they?

Guy 2: OH that’s Armando and Maya!
by Roman The Verman 42069 November 20, 2019
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The act of transferring your under arm odor to another person's upper lip, typically via one's index and middle fingers. This results in a recipient who constantly smells your BO. Best accomplished when target is unaware of their fate until it's already too late.

Style points awarded for shouting "dirty armando" while act is in-progress.
After working out together, I thought it'd be funny to give my girlfriend a dirty armando. She didn't laugh.
by Ariel K. January 17, 2008
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Armandos law was used back in Nazi Germany which states- never date white women. All they do is eat hot chip and lie.
Ayo "homie" what are you doing. You're going against Armandos law

You are the definition of "Armandos Law" because all you do is eat hot chip and lie.
by TheLegend27Mk2 November 9, 2020
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The type of guy that is that guy pal, has a really average shlong with about 2 nanometers on that thing. Probably the sexiest man you will ever meet in your life, might be diagnosed with erectile dysfunction from seeing him for 2 seconds
Armando Alvarado: Hey hows your day going ther-
other guy: *faints*
by Limp Rick November 1, 2022
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Generally a great guy whi cares about his friends and family. He might be playful sometimes but he cares about everyone and puts everyone else before him. Hes sweet, funny, nice, and handsome. He has a great personality and loves being social with other people.
That guy Armando Estrada is soo nice.
by armando1999 March 15, 2017
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