ANTI-FASCISTS - People who oppose fascism, white nationalism, neo-nazis, and other similar scum bags.
A bunch of Trump-Supporting, alt-right , neo-Nazi douchebags tried to bring their message of white supremacy to the masses, but they were met by people opposing their disgusting message of hate, some of whom were part of Antifa.
by Logic Like SPoekc. August 23, 2017
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The only people in the U.S. who will stand up to the racist, nazi's. The police won't. If the group was bigger in the 1930's ,
Hitler would have never risen to power and kill 10 million people. You would feel a whole lot safer if you sat next to a anifa as compared to a Nazi skinhead, on a train, or bus, wouldn't you? If I had to chose between the worst of two evils, I would go with antifa. I know the nazi's history.
A group of antifa protected the threatened church members in Charlettesville from the white supremacist, kkk, neo-nazi march.
by Jeb Wilcox August 17, 2017
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antifa is an abbreviation for (militant) anti-fascists, usually communists, anarchists or the left in general.
antifas do not tolerate rascism or any type of discrimination.
by sunbak July 19, 2017
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Hanging out with rapists and pedophile groomers and supporting pedophilia.
I'ma slap a proud boy, I'ma slap a transphobe
Fuck what you're about, bitch, yeah it's Antifa mode
by yung2001 August 19, 2022
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Short for Anti Fascist. The term seem to have appeared in germany in the 1930's with the foundation of the "Antifaschistische Aktion". Antifascism started as a way to combine different forces of the left around a common cause. A notable example is the Spanish Civil War, when communists, anarchists and republicans joined their forces against the coup led by the General Franco.

Today most Antifa groups are small groups whose members oppose sexism, racism, and classism. The point of the organization is to exchange information and to coordinate activities between local groups.
In Italy in the 1920s, antifas fought against the violent Blackshirts and against the rise of fascist leader Benito Mussolini.
by Tikkun June 24, 2017
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A Beta Male; one who resorts to violence while preaching peace to impress his mom.
What are the odds that Antifa-man over there doesn’t live in his mom’s basement?
by Vellichor September 29, 2020
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