Beautiful, Amazing, Outgoing, Funny, Kind, Sexy, Definitely the greatest girl ever, This girl will make you laugh and smile every time you see her. A great girlfriend and one you wont regret dating. Best thing is she lives really close to you and goes to West. Also one more thing.......

Will You Go to Prom With Me?

Love, Adrian
Angie youre amazing :)
by Odis rumbleton April 21, 2011
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Angie is a really pretty girl she has beautiful brown eyes she won’t fucking accept it but she does I can see that even when her skin ain’t smooth and her hair starts to fade away she still be hella beautiful sucks she goes to a different school tho but if you’re friends with a girl named Angie don’t hurt her or if u with her u hurt her I’ll pull up and beat tf out of u Angie is one of the prettiest girls I ever met in my life not gone lie bout that it’s true😻created by gabe😊
Damn who’s that girl over there? That’s angie. she’s lowkey pretty. I know she is
by 0923 January 8, 2019
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My wonderful sweetness - both charming and thoughtful! Angies make everyones life complete and banish the blues!
Everything and all to everyone, angie lights up the world
by ahndii February 5, 2010
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Where do I begin....
She’s a misunderstood wonder, a reflection of beauty herself. She is one of many messengers of god. A true angel. When she was small she was innocent and silly that struggled to talk and speak up. When she was in high school she was a reject, girl the back of the class room but when she’s with her friends she’s goofy and adorable af. She might be tall of just plain short but get this, she is far from ordinary. She’s extraordinary! She’s and artist, singer, friend, sister, daughter, musician, girlfriend and so much more she is our saviour. She shines the way to happy ness, bruh... she lives the glitter life. This sensitive rose can be put down easily so she will need close friends to help her when she needs support.
Angie, Angie, Angie..... what else is there to say, the one Ik is a Taurus and she’s short but she’s adorable af! I hope someone meets an Angie soon bc these foxes are rare and if you’re lucky you’ll see them be nice around you out in The wild!
Angie is more human than most cunts ik.
She’s the shy fox hiding in a small cave waiting for you to comfort her and be her friend.
by Cherryblossomhonesty! September 20, 2020
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Angie is the most beautifle girl you will ever see in your life so shoot your shot. She sometimes dyes her hair. She is hella thick, and will never upset you. She is funny. REMEMBER SHOOT YOUR SHOT. She is shy at times but when you get to know her she will be a amazing GIRLFRIEND, WIFE, Or FRIEND one day.
by Djidjwisis November 9, 2018
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Sexy, Caring , beautiful, Also known as angelica, cute as hell!
Angie sexy
by iLikeChicken=] August 14, 2008
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