The word your gonna knowing it’s a verb or a noun after the song “adulting” in the new phineas and ferb movie on Disney+ called “Candace against the universe.”
Hey guys did you hear Doofenshmirtz totally school Isabella with the song “adulting” in the new movie “Candace against the universe?”
by Clorp August 29, 2020
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Adj: Self determined, compassionate, capable of basic problem solving.
Forcing our will on the younger generation is not always the adult thing to do.
by sonderland April 11, 2016
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Independent, responsible person..preferably over the age of 25.
by jen August 22, 2003
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A person who has suvived the suffering of beeing a teenager and now Believe they have it all figured out, or act like it with the hope to be someone to look up to. In reality they acted badly themselfes during their hole Life as Children and teenagers.

In reality they don't know much more about Life than a younger person do. They have more experience but tend to not like new experience and stuff like that, because they are insecure about things they aren't good at, like everyone else.
He is an adult and you're a Child. Therefore he Believes he knows more than you. Do not listen to that bullshit. Repeat it in your head until it's stuck.
by thekillingofcandide September 1, 2020
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Getting stupid drunk with your best friend. And still making it to work in the morning
Adulting:Hey best friend. You have a bad day? Lets go drink and still handle our shit tomorrow
by Adulting April 9, 2015
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Adulting is another word for when you cheat on your partner with someone else.
Omg did you see David the other night, he was caught adulting with Jenny!
by JL99 November 15, 2018
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She divorced me because I was adultering.
by biiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhhupyuj November 29, 2017
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