She's the girl for anyone and she is a great kisser with the squashy arse every
Abbie she's my favourite she is a girl who will be there for you and you can tease and not be bothered
by WCKILA14 February 26, 2017
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Real g. Funny to be on call with. Vry good listener. Loyal fren and bare jokes. Always got her besties backs and can slap up unfit females in p.e. Best 1 in Zebra gang and a mad girl best fren. Also says piss off alot
by Bigshotz069 September 19, 2020
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The most amazing girl in the world, but she doesn't know how beautiful she is. Usually a brunette, short, thin but not super skinny. Her dazzling green-hazel eyes could make the toughest of guys go soft :) Her energetic and loud personality comes out around her closer friends, but other times she's shy and quiet (believe it or not). She hasn't been in a lot of relationships, but the ones she's had have been special to her and they hurt her every time they end. She's delicate yet extremely tough, it takes a lot to get her heart, but when you do you have to be careful with it or it'll break. She can seem whiny at times and annoying, but she's just hiding her emotions. She's easy to be around and she has a long line of guys that want her :) She's the absolute best friend a person can have, faults and all.
Gabe: How did you let her go? You didn't even get her name, bro.
Me: Yeah, but she's gotta be an Abby. They're always the best, you know?

Mason: Bro! Look at that beautiful girl! -drools-
Me: What, you've never seen an Abby before?
by youngmoney112 February 11, 2012
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Abbie, although being amazing, can be extremely violent at times, watch out for Abbie!
Abbie is amazing
by LeCookie February 12, 2015
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Abbie is a young and pretty intelligent lady all her friend think she is the best and are jealous of her
This party is lame let's invite abbie
by Justsaying_x December 2, 2014
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Abbie is hott. she is a skinny nice girl who get what she wants! all the guys want Abbie. people are mean to her because thay want to be her. abbie is attracted to tall guys that play basketball and can play an instrument. most of the time this guy is a family friend. abbie has a strong faith for god and doesnt care what people think. Some people think abbie is a overacheiver . abbie is not afraid to be herself and always fits in abbie can be bubbly at times but people deal with it cuz she is so gorgeouse we all love abbie <3
by that nice guy July 7, 2009
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Abby is one of the best friends you could ever have. It's indescribable how amazing she is. She is the kind of girl who will always be there for you. She offers the best advice and never fails to hype you up. Not only is Abby a beautiful soul, she has a beautiful heart and a beautiful face. If you are friends with an Abby, you are an extremely lucky person. Never take her for granted, you'll have the most fun with her.
"OOh look it's Abby, she's the best!!!"
by ScaryRah March 31, 2019
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