A one sided view which tries to hide the fact that the European white races invented just about everything that is of any use in the home or industry, all of which are readily available to and are used by black and brown people, but it is wrong to put a slice of Pineapple on a pizza and call it Hawaiian. This is a particularly hot topic amongst white hating white people that have been indoctrinated by left wing school or college teachers and have not gained any World experience yet.
A non PC use of cultural appropriation! would be; "Hey look, there is Beyonce with her lovely long, straight, blonde hair". Or "Look Leroy is using a knife and fork and wearing clothes".
by Borys Kickabollockoff September 3, 2018
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adj. describing something fit for the general public
The pg of the facebook era
"Sorry I deleted your post about the party last night, but my mom checks my facebook and it wasn't wall appropriate."

"Keep it wall appropriate; there are children present"
by col. awesome August 10, 2008
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My french Canadian work colleague's way of saying that something is in-appropriate.
Woah guys! Stop swearing, I'm about to make a phone call, that's un-appropriated for the workplace!!!!
by DinGreg2010 June 16, 2010
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When any member of the LGBTQ+ community do or cultivate something otherwise deemed as heterosexual.
Person 1: Did you see Tristan and Gunther's new baby?

Person 2: How did Tristan & Gunther have a baby, they're both homosexual men.

Person 1: They had a serogate mother.

Person 2: Isn't that considered Hetero-appropriation?
by February 1, 2023
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The action of taking something that is rightfully yours, except it's illegal; stealing.
"Dude, did you just steal a plate out of the dining hall?"
"Bro, I'm paying $30k to be here, so it's not stealing, it's re-appropriating."
by ya tilted bro? November 26, 2019
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When someone, usually a millennial or gen z, takes styles from generations past and claims it is original.
When styles from past generations come back into fashion. Must be from an older generation being worn by a younger person.
Girl one: oh my god, look how original this new outfit is, some standard 90s attire I am starting something amazing!
Girl two: your mom literally wore that same outfit, this is generational appropriation !
by hatemebigly August 14, 2019
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Something a lot of ignorant people try to discredit and write off as bullshit but it is when a person from any background takes something from someone else's culture and tries to make it their own. Literally a person trying to disassociate a culture from it's people.
Cultural Appropriation is not just Kim Kardashian wearing cornrows but becomes that when the media calls them "Kardashian Braids". More examples are if a girl were to wear an native american headress and call it a "feather hat," or A person wearing a bindi and calling it "the new forehead dot," must I go on???????
by JWizzleOnThaBlock October 12, 2016
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