When a girl is passed out at a party and you punch her in the vagina, then when she wakes up in the morning, she thinks she was raped and is emotionally scarred for life.
Jenny: "Woah! Megan is freaking out"

Brittany: "Yeah i know! How long should we wait to tell her that Joey gave her a Phantom last night?"
by TheWilcow November 24, 2011
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The miracle that is: when you take a shit and you don't need to wipe
Holy Fuck!! I just took a shit and there was only one piece of toilet paper left. But it's cool because it was a phantom
by Eamo420 February 20, 2011
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Spitting onto your partners back while performing intercourse "doggy style" in such a way that you make them feel as if you've ejaculated onto their back. When they turn around to look at you, blow your load in their face.
Shirley fell victim to the phantom, and found herself having a very salty, unexpected meal.
by JTB October 6, 2003
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1) A random Erection

2) When the males penis goes hard without stimulant
Guy on bus: (Thinking) oh shit, I just got a phantom and my stop is coming up..
by Lord Dude May 17, 2010
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A grafiti artist in los Angeles, His work can be seen on the cover of rage against machines The battle for los angeles.
Yo did you see the phantoms throw ups
by G00000000000Gle bob October 30, 2006
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During sexual intercourse when a male tries to hold off on ejaculation but comes a little bit- but its just enough to lose sensitivity and keep going and going....
Man, I thought I was gonna blow my load early but I had a phantom and was able to go for an hour!
by TheHOSS May 16, 2013
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hockin a loogie on your partners back so they think youve gone and cummed on their back and when they turn around to yell at you for cummin on their back you cum on their face!!! buahaha
ahh you came on my back you fag *turns around and gets load in face*
by assgoblin February 10, 2004
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