When you are getting a blow job from a girl and she does such a great job that you cum really hard. So hard you blow her head off.
"Last night this chick was giving me such a great blow job that I JFK'd her."
by Brad February 17, 2005
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I want to throw a ball at Drake's head jfk!
by baorder54 January 14, 2008
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An ordering slang over heard at Starbucks recently. A request for 3 shots of espresso in your drink.
I'll have a venti non-fat JFK latte.
by Rye Guy September 11, 2007
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Just From Korea. A person that is a FOB and comes directly from Korea.
Rich B: Does she speak english?
Hyong: No she is a JFK.
Rich B: Nice... that is how I like em.
by One Mixed Kid December 14, 2005
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Jerk it
Fuck it

Kick it...
it's not what you can do for your bitch, but what your bitch can do for you
Yo bro i just JFK'd this biddy
by mad man mcgarv aka the gent October 9, 2011
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when a chick is sucking you off and she gets off as you are about to cum and it flys and gets you in the head/face/mouth area
she totally JFK'd me last night and i needed some mouthwash
by velcro kidneyz February 18, 2008
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just fucking kidding.
JK sounds too gay so say JFK
Bob: Hey let's fuck
Mary: Oh yes, I'm so desperate
Bob: jfk bitch. You're a whore.
by youdafoo92 May 4, 2010
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