Loves to rip the bong
Loves pussy
He buys vapes every paycheck he gets
Girls get wet just looking at him
Best at credit card theft
Never runs out of that dank
Loves blunts and pussy

Always know how to run from the cops when

Brendan has the biggest cock in town and girls are dripping every time they see him
by DrippingPussy12 November 3, 2017
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Brendan is a nice, funny, cool, guy . He can be a cheater and a jerk. He's a player and dates many girls. A Brendan relationships are short and he'll leave a girl heart broken. He's great a sports! He usually is tall and hairy. He is good looking. He'll have a few problems with his teenage puberty. He'll have lots of acme and hairy places. A Brendan adult years are great and successful! A Brendan is a good guy at the end!
Her: I want to date him, but he's a player and it won't last long. However he is cute

Him: We'll he's a Brendan, what do u expect!
by Truestuff85 February 18, 2015
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To relentlessly ask someone for something (i.e cigarettes), without any regard for their feelings or annoyance level. To bring the acceptable level of mooching allowed in common society to a whole new level.
Man he's totally brendaning me right now what the fuck.

That's the 6th Newport today bro hes brendaning it right now I can't deal
by Dice11594 March 10, 2020
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A brendan is probably one of the best guys you will ever meet, likes heavy metal or rock. He supports you in basically everyway possible, including teaching you how to drive. He’s very popular in girls, and his ex still likes him a lot. He’s not very intelligent, but that doesn’t mean he’s very dumb. He can fix things, write music. A brendan probably learns many sports, and MASTERS THEM ALL! The next time you meet a brendan, RESPECT HIM..
Omg Brendan is so hot
by Bronamie May 14, 2022
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A guy that is a total prick who doesn't seem to shut up. He usually is known for preying on little children and is wanted in 39 states. He has a current world record for the world's tiniest dick. Like if you saw this guy's dick, you would say, "Shit! That guy has got one small wiener!", which is why most consider him more woman than man or some kind of wierd shit in between.
Guy 1: "Wow what the hell is that?!"
Guy 2: "That's a Brendan, stay away from those.
Guy 1: "Thanks for the advice man, you are a life saver!"
by Ersome person December 7, 2013
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