November 2022
November 2022
by Taenun July 10, 2022
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A 16 year old that feels he actually has some control and purpose in his life. He sits in his own mind 24/7, watching the world from inside of some skin, flesh, bones, muscles and some other stuff while he chatters and talks about his own circumstances and the circumstances that may come in the future.
"Hey (NonSkrapple 2022) how are you?"
NonSkrapple: "Just thinking."
"About what?"
NonSkrapple: "Stuff."
"What kind of stuff?"
NonSkrapple: "What we feel becomes the world we live in. If you feel like everything is sad then everything is sad, if you feel like you have the perfect life then you have the perfect life"
"...I've never thought of it like that."
NonSkrapple: "My goal is changing my life to the life I desire."
"How's that working out for you"
NonSkrapple: "It's a slow process but I do see progress so I'd say it's going pretty well."
"Hmm, what is the life you desire?"
NonSkrapple: "A life where there is no stress or awkwardness or frustration or struggle or sadness or anger or discomfort. A comfortable life. But I suppose to get a comfortable life you would have to step out of your comfort zone from time to time, so... it kind of cancels out. Actually now that I think about it im not sure what life I want, alot of the time I get the thing I want but I feel like that's not enough so im left chasing for more, im only 16 years old so I probably shouldn't decide when im so young, what if I change my mind later on in life? I guess what my goal really is just to live, grow and learn along the way."
"Welp, good luck with that."
by NonSkrapple April 10, 2022
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The plan to steal the 2022 elections.
Gates: I hereby call the September 2022 meeting of the Democrat Inner Circle Society "DICS" to order.
Buffett: Okay let's get down to business. Can we decide the winners of all elections in November 2022 like we did in 2020?
Gates: Uh... no.
Bezos: The state legislatures tripped us up in almost every state with new "Voter Integrity Laws".
Buffett: I'll be Goddamned if the citizens think they can choose their own representatives! We need a new scheme.
Fink: Sir? I have an idea... I've been thinking about it. Our main obstacle is poll watchers. They're watching for things like thumb drives and bins full of fake ballots. But poll watchers are humans, and humans need sleep after about 16 hours. We need to create a delay that pushes the vote processing out longer than 16 hours. Then we will have unmonitored power to choose the winners.
Buffett: I think I like it... But how will we delay the processing?
Fink: We tell the voters that there are equipment problems.
Buffett: So the voters stand there waiting to vote?
Fink: No. The voters will be allowed to vote, but we'll tell them that they need to put their ballots into "secure boxes" so they can be scanned later when the machines are working. Then after the poll watchers leave, we swap out the boxes of real ballots for boxes of fake ballots.
Buffett: I love it! Okay that's THE PLAN 2022! Well what the hell are we waiting for?
by geekmalone November 17, 2022
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A class of cunts, liberals, and overly allergic teens who care about nothing more than sex and drugs.
by longschlong6.9 October 9, 2019
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MY BESTIE‼️‼️‼️‼️
Super cool and a massive bsd, owari no seraph, and stars align fan!!!
Super slay!
Venus: you’re gay ⚔️😘💅

f.a.i.t.h.2022: true 😦
by Nonbinarychuuya May 2, 2022
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The day everybody wishes to be asked out on, as your anniversary will literally be 2/22/22. A TWOSday. (someone ask me out pls!! 😋)
yo it’s February 22 , 2022
wanna date? 😍😍
by linkysnacks February 21, 2022
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