A Newport 100, a crowd favorite menthol cigarette.
Guy: "Yo buddy, let me get a newp hunnie!"
Me: "I got you, mane!"
Guy: "Good looks!"
by deal trees September 30, 2013
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A hunny boo is what your girlfriend calls you when your the most important person in her life. If she calls you her hunny boo she wants you to stick around and never leave her side because you are her hunny and her lover.
I can't live without my hunny boo
by mbgirl12/31/16 February 27, 2017
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A guy who loves you more than anything. If there is a hunny bunches around, there will always be a hunny bunny with him. This guy gives the greatest kisses and the best lovin and happens to love getting little bites on the cheek. Hunny bunches love giving raspberries even if the hunny bunny despises them. Basically, hunny bunches are the best and sweetest boyfriends!
by Hunny Bunny 3 February 2, 2011
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someone that is so sweet that the smile has to be slapped from my face. Ready to jump at a moments notice to do good, or be nice to someone for no reason at all. On a summer day when the sun shines on her ever so fine peach fur , she seems to precious to touch , like maybe its a crime or something. Her eyes are so big and have that pet me look. Oh and what a cute tail. On the other hand , her other nickname is "skitty kitty". but I will keep her.
your Hunny Bunny-Ness,whackamuffin(takes too long to explain)
by springbrook cobbler April 16, 2009
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A bag of marijuana that costs one hundred dollars. A dime bag, adjusted for inflation.
I can roll a couple of fasst ass j's from my hunny sack.
by thug4life September 29, 2002
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Woman skilled at turning a profit no matter what the enterprise. usually seen in the company of rappers, pimps, gang members, etc... This term usually implies that said woman is attractive, but results may vary.
looka that hustla hunnie wit all den boyyz
by sarah January 23, 2005
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