1. Whore, slut or tramp. A female who's the life of the party because the whole party is inside of her. One who takes pride in being nasty.

2. Generally unattractive, a party-licious female compensates for her lack of beauty by having sex with any and everybody as a means to feel good about herself.

3. A hoodrat or slutty female of lower intelligence. A dumb tramp.
1. "I'm about to bail in the spot and try to find me a party-licious broad to bone"

2. Look at her, she's ugly as hell. "Yeah but she party-licious though, you could hit it if you wanted to."

3. I saw this party-licious chick in the club last night, tried to talk to her but she was dumb as all hell.
by Gutta Boi Slim November 21, 2011
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The state one acquires after having two shots of alcohol at a party. (Usually Guinness).
Matt had a couple of shots the other night, he's such a party-machine.
by bobsledder59 December 14, 2018
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Someone who can shug jack Daniels, smoke fat blunts allday, and party hard like a machine I mean hard like Charlie Sheen, jim Morrison, and jimi hendrix, etc.
Damn lmao that dude is a party machine, he drank 1500ml of whiskey, a 30 pack, then snorted fat lines off a strippers ass all night.
by Scuba Steve dude December 21, 2013
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sloth party - to love sloths (the animal) extremely much and like to talk them all the time
Tuco: Omg i love sloths!!
Walter: Yeh me 2, let's have a sloth party!
by roodsloth March 4, 2016
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A shadow party is a party hosted at someone’s house without their consent or knowledge.
“We’re gonna pull up to Manuel’s house for the shadow party!”
by GhostlyCarrot October 24, 2023
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It is when people take an interest in you and it is not observable.

To have invested time in entertainment.

R KELLY and "ME".

Hey most of the way in our LIFEFthere are INTERESTED PARTIES in us that we are not aware and not only that it can lead to bigger and better things for us but keep in mind so you won't have to FUCK HARDER do try to keep your nose clean.

They are the other day at a THAI RESTAURANT but they did not eat everything as they got a bag for BALLS TWO GO for their FISH BALLS but JACK who got the bag due to INTERESTED PARTIES had already lost his SCROTUM CONTENTS due to some wrong kind of PEEPLE involvement.

I noticed the other day , as this is ANAL ALAN they delisted all my songs on BMI due to INTERESTED PARTIES compared me to R KELLY but others I warn you now can be ME.

Hey if you gotta go it ALONE like you are FALLING IN REVERSE then hey just make yourself INTERESTED PARTIES as make a DUCK IT LIST but if you are lucky you might just have the best friend in the world AN ASSHOLE FRIEND to be included with the INTERESTED PARTIES you throw , yes other CATS too like my pet CESTODA WORM.
by DEFINITION DOMINANT September 14, 2021
a retard who likes to ruin peoples duos
hey look at rashed hes a retard and he is a party member
by ihatebelhesa February 24, 2019
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