When you didn't graduate High School, Go to College become an adult and get a decently high enough paying job. So you result to accepting money bounties from the Rothschild Illuminati Family, Orion Aliens, Men in Black, United States Government to meet your expenses while the Supreme Creative Force secretly observes you accepting these money bounties to do EVIL actions 90 percent of the time and when your time is up on Earth she over powers you and sends you to a lower Region of Hell to be punished uncomfortably after life
Dude that Trailer Park Trash Bounty Boy Tom is a straight loser taking that blood money off of him
by The Gods & Goddesses November 7, 2019
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A townhouse or row home...not in an upscale neighborhood. The whole neighborhood or development would be a vertical trailer park.
"Let's go hang at Ryan's."
"Are you kidding me? What a dump! He lives in a vertical trailer park!"
by Catcherintheeye June 25, 2013
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when you don't have plastic wrap so you crack an egg into a used condom and boil it in a pot of hot water and the cum gives it an extra salty taste.
Trailer Husband: I want something for breakfast
Trailer Wife: I'll make you some eggs
Trailer Wife: Im out of plastic wrap, wait ill use this used condom for this Trailer Park Poach
by SirSource March 19, 2019
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A short sequence of scenes cranked up into a small film that depict what the movie you'll be watching could have been if it were to be good. Often the trailers for upcoming movies appear a lot better than the movie itself.
John: "Hey did you see that new movie trailer for *insert upcoming movie*?"
Martin: "Yeah I did, looked great. If only the movie was as good as its trailer says it's gonna be.."
by B00scary October 12, 2023
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Trailer park haiku is a low rent version of and original haiku meant to lend a higher consciou awareness of the situation or experience ie; she said she thought the world of me she said she couldn't live without me and then she said yes officer that's him.
Excuse me does the management allow trailer park haikus here?
by Harmonica homie March 9, 2021
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When you are giving a country boy a blow job in the farmland.
Howdy! Did you give little johnny trailer dick last night!
by Trailer boy March 4, 2017
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