He says…. THIS IS NOT A DEMOCRACY, IT IS A DICTATORSHIP…. but deep down we all know he is simply…. A beta male
by Secretion April 24, 2022
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Dude 1: Kush kitty Jr. is such a beta male
Dude 2: Dude I know
by OdinPosideon4head April 2, 2019
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Someone who is inferior in some intangible way. Maybe they don't understand anything you say, maybe they don't know what sigma males are. Maybe they're Salek. But they're clearly a beta.
He frequently has no idea what is going on, therefore he is a beta male.
by SalekIsBeta123 October 2, 2022
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A man who leaves his league group to go watch movies or a series on a streaming website.
"Wow SWI is being a beta male today man."
"Yeah bro he just started watching 13 reasons why."
by Gurkus Maximus May 15, 2019
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