Repetitive anal punching until partially digested food erupts from the ass.
Jake bro, I forgot to eat last night but I sure did rock the Peruvian beef stew on that dumpster monger
by Bigfellah March 22, 2020
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the growing world wide practice of using good friday as a day for undermining the religious aspects of easter, by taking the day to celebrate drunken world wide pub crawls
Are you going to church for Easter Good Friday? Nope, I'm going to be a stewed rabbit.
by Binder Dun Dat February 9, 2013
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A sensual group kiss involving 3 or more people.

Larger groups of 5 or more are preferred without anyone left to watch.
Girl, I'd dive into that kiss stew with you anytime! Do you think we could get your friend to join in, I wouldn't want her to feel left out?
by Toesuff August 21, 2020
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When a woman puts on guyliner to her man, then proceeds to fill a bathtub up with hot water so that she can give him a blowjob underwater. Best if done with My Chemical Romance playing in the background.
(At the Hot Topic)
Billy: How did your date with Jennifer go?
Bob: It went hella good, she gave me the emo stew.
Billy: Did she play MCR?
Bob: Nope, Twenty One Pilots.
Billy: Then dump that fake emo skank.
by Emo Extremo September 29, 2018
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Smoking dabs off a hookers ass!
Yo, how much for a private dance? $100, I'll give you $500 if I can Rip Stew!
by BlastinFoolz June 15, 2019
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squirrel stew is stew made with squirrel
"we are eating squirrel stew for dinner!"
by bee29874 March 2, 2022
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when your really stupid its short for stupid
your a stewe
by Assissan77 January 14, 2021
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