A queer or lesbian identifying woman (often in a backward cap) who exhibits "hey mamas" qualities but is a "golden retriever" at heart. Typically they come off as intimidating and douchey, but don't let that fool you, for she is a true gentleman.
I got this jacket from a frat gentleman last night at the club; she gave it to me because I was cold and told me to keep it.
by wrizzyfoshizzy January 8, 2023
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A marine that has seen combat wears his cover tilted to the side ever so slightly.
Pog: Why does he wear his cover to the side?

Grunt: shut up pog. Its a gentleman's tilt.
by Ddog12341 January 27, 2014
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a fashionable, yet somewhat gay fashion accesorie for the sexually ambigous male. Most commonly seen on the wrist of pussy whipped men.
Nelson was so ashamed of his gentlemans charm bracelet, he hid it under a bandage and told everyone he tried offing himself.
by Jasonjakejohn February 10, 2011
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The sexual position that occurs when your girlfriend or a random girl is in the bathroom puking after having to much to drink. but your still having sex with her in the wheelbarrow position while holding her hair. Thus being a gentleman for holding her hair.
On Saturday, Jessica came over and she had to much to drink. She spent a lot of time in the bathroom puking but her sex drive was still crazy so I performed the Gentleman's Wheelbarrow
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When you masturbate or get a handy from a woman, in a very eloquent and distinguished manner.
Bro 1: Yo, dawg, what's taking Parker so long?
Bro 2: He's giving himself a Gentleman Thrashing. He'll be out after he takes the tux off.
by NattyChamps2021 July 27, 2022
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When a gentleman or sir takes a walk to let one rip out of courtesy to spare others from the rotten stench.
I've got a stinker on board love, just takin' a gentleman's walk...back soon
by BlaineTudor August 19, 2019
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