The role and title of a sovereign entity within the context of group sexual intercourse. They are responsible and wholly controlling of the members of the "pile", as it were. Much like a referee, they may take individuals out of the "game" for illegal or prohibited activity, such as disregarding safe words, nontraditional abuse that has not been previously requested and approved (by the pile driver), or if certain individuals are not performing to the standards laid out beforehand.

They also possess the sole privilege of administering punishment for those taken out of the "game" , including, but not limited to, bondage of the genitals and isolation, theft and the pleasuring of their preferred partner(s), verbal degradation, and in extreme cases, tazing and waterboarding.

In the most devastating abhorrence of violation, the indivual will have their libido perpetually and irreversibly removed.
"Fuck dude, the pile driver took me out of the game and now I have a dildo in my ass and my cock has been locked up. I wish I had been able to keep pleasuring her."
by fluidinfluence January 14, 2023
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The art of pushing piles back in the anus with another mans penis.
Hello John, do you want to partake in a bit of piling tonight with me ?
by TheElusiveOne May 12, 2019
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A pile of a friend's belongings that accumulates in size with said friend's belongings over time.
Friend: I can't find my keys.

You: Have you tried looking in your Nikky Pile? That's where you found your wallet last time.
by bazookabauer March 23, 2022
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2) what do you mean?
3)are you taking me by a fool?

used in italy and in argentina, guess un USA too. Called pile of fingers. is an educated gesture, not gross either
Argentinian from an italian heritage: i do not know how can you live without having the :pile of fingers: gesture for awkward situations!
American from an italian heritage: :pile of fingers:

Argentinian from an italian heritage: god bless mother Italy
by pablo madryn July 12, 2021
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Burning the shambles of a house by pouring more petrol on it. What he expects is either the past to be sundered so there is no proof OR that the fire will burn brightly enough to cast him in a benevelont glow. Death pile.
Jacob Rees-Mogg says "I want S*n readers to write to me and tell me of ANY petty old EU regulation that should be abolished."

If you attempt to cover up past mistakes, though simultaneously distance yourself from them, you create a death pile.

𝐍𝐁 - Rees-Mogg was complicit in the break from EU regulation.
by grumblah February 10, 2022
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The Act of searching through one’s own belongings in a frantic haphazard way, often times in a loud and annoying display that doesn’t produce the sought after item but instead creates an even larger more disorganized mound of crap that’s been festering on your apartment floor.

This can also occur in the car or van that said person resides.
Candice broke her face in her toiletries bag when she passed out, bent over at the waist, chucking pile in my living room.
by Sal Moanella May 5, 2021
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