A type of day where you have no choice to relax.
What are you going to do this weekend?
Relax. What else do you think i am going to do, do a shift at McDonald's?
by KylomaskGamer March 31, 2023
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Basically a time of week where you go out have sex and wake up the next morning pissed
by Weekend December 30, 2016
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Weekend at Donny's is the modern remake of Weekend at Bernie's but real life instead. This film stars a businessman who is involved in a major ploy to give away top government secrets, but instead he gets his place ransacked by some FBI agents. Everybody in his party is too dumb to see the obvious, but he hires a team of stooges to carry him to pretend like everything is fine.
This movie, Weekend at Donny's, has it all: debauchery, embezzlement, and an 80s vibe that could only be replicated on a Floridian golf course.

At the scene where the FBI raids his home, Donny utters his most famous lines when he realizes he's about to do serious time in the slammer: "I didn't see anything. I was looking at my watch. I'm blind!"

When you're tipped off by an informant that your weekend at Donny's won't go quite as planned, you book the next flight to Moscow and have a weekend at Vlady's instead.
by c.artman August 13, 2022
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A weekend where it consists of eating gummy bears drenched in alcohol.
I'm going to soak gummy bears in a bowl of tequila for Gummy bear Weekend.
by lanina November 5, 2012
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The weekend waver was one who was an average teen or twenty-something during the very early 80s who would punch up their mundane hair with goop and spray color to look "punk" or "new wave" at punk bars on the weekend. Often spotted in parachute pants and a Police t-shirt.
Who are those weekend wavers?
by Spreggy May 24, 2019
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Having sex with a different girl on each day of the weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday).
It was fantastic! I partied every night and took home a different girl each time! I had a Trifecta Pro Weekend!
by swordsmen September 21, 2010
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A weekend of absolutely no worries or concerns that occur in your daily life.
A weekend of peace that allows you to restrategize everything that concerns you.
"I need a reset weekend before starting graduate school."

"My vacation was more like a reset weekend; long enough to get my mind right, but short enough for me to say fuck it all!!!!"
by Good Trouble May 28, 2017
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