Tucker, Simply the best person you will ever meet. He is kind and loving and he always knows what to say. He plays guitar and bass and is the best at it. His eyes are light brown and beautiful, you could stare in them forever. His hair is it-is light brown, it's wavy and fluffy. He loves all his friends and his family but has trouble reaching out to others. He is the cutest person ever, his girlfriend is the luckiest girl on the planet for how he treats her. He is funny and extremely goofy like a goober. He gives the best hugs and smells amazing lmao. If you have a tucker in your life love him, never let him go because he is the best person you will ever meet. I love him.
Tucker, is simply the best.
by Nuts4milfs January 21, 2022
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Tucker has everything you could want in someone. Hes handsome, very athletic, shy, but if your close to him he's super nice and outgoing. He also is a little bit of a player, but when he falls for a girl, he falls HARD. Very amazing friend, always eager to hang out, and do daring, but fun stuff. Great lover and friend, dont let him go, you will regret it.
Samantha: Tucker is so hot!
Hazel: Ikr you should totally date him!
by jnek fkjgnbem January 24, 2022
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The male equivalent of a Karen. Someone who abuses any authority he can to inconvenience others for things that affect him in no way.
"If you see someone's child wearing a mask, call the police, that's child abuse"
"No it isn't, shut the fuck up Tucker"
by lgleagle May 12, 2021
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To place one's unit begind the legs as in a goat like fashion. After proper unit placement to fully execute a "Motha Tucker" one must distribt the visual glory to the general public.
Joe got drunk and gave us a motha tucker
by Chemtikal May 6, 2008
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Destruction or loss caused by Tucker. Can be inflicted on thy self or inflicted on others.
The other team was tuckered by Tucker during the pool volleyball game on Sunday.
by The punny one August 5, 2019
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A legal defense that shifts the blame from baseless media lies to the consumers by stating the lies were never meant to be believed as no reasonable person could have accepted the lie as truth.
The Fox News audience is continually tuckered with information that was never intended to be believed as facts.
by HelpingHands334443 March 23, 2021
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