Hey dude y got a “crispy ween”
by Willween October 2, 2018
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When a white cracker boy understands the nigglet slang.
Yo that craka be talking like a nigga.
Yea bro hes "Crispy on the inside"
by TheAssEater2000 May 5, 2016
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It means to be like super pale white on the outside but, they are still able to understand the blacks.
Man that white nigga be crispy on the inside.
by TheAssEater2000 May 3, 2016
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the act of placing two jump lead cables (attched to a car battery) to a girls nipples a zap them to the point they fall of
i gave that bitch some crispy freckles last night
by swiggityswagbruh March 26, 2016
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A female friend who is most likely to partake in sexual acts with an elderly male.
Sandra, such a gold digger, she loves her crispy ends!”
by Robynbanks September 9, 2021
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A Vietnam Vet who was severely burned in the war, that won’t shut the fuck up.
Man, Gramps is being a Crispy Bitch again.
by Isdustbinn March 31, 2020
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A newly started sex worker.
It's a satiric way to call someone who's a virgin or didn't encountered in a lot of sexual acts.
+ Hey Jeff isn't that Tina overthere? I heard that she lost her virginity at the age of 15
- Yeah i know and she's still a crispy bitch.
by Felixdapizzaboi October 24, 2016
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