People who won't to be your hoes but you won't let them.
she's such awannabe hoesbecause She keeps trying to get with me but I won't let her
by Jamesone97 August 16, 2017
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A guy who dresses like a fuckboy and tries to act like one, yet he is just not cool enough or good enough to be one.
B: Omg I think I like yes! But he doesn’t like me back!
A: Are you serious? Your way too good for him!

B: But Yes is smart and everything

A: You’re just mesmerized, he’s a total fuckboy Wannabe
by Your ugly ass mother May 10, 2018
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When a girl(A) wants to be another girl(B). Usually girl(A) would go after who girl(B) dated and become friends with who girl(B) is friends with. girl(A) would also pick up mannerisms like girl(B) and would try to become JUST LIKE HER.
"Danielle and Jordan just broke up!"
"Ooooo girl I'm on that!"
"Ugh you're such a wannabe danielle."
by lilshe23 May 30, 2023
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Someone who seems to never show up on Facebook comment feeds until just after you comment. Usually a woman posting on an attractive man's post. It almost seems to be like she waits for your comments just to try to make sure she posts enough to keep the guy's attention. In large crowds, she tends to try to act like she runs the show, yet nobody really pays her any attention. She's annoying. She wants to be the thunder. She will never be the thunder. But in her mind she is the thunder.
That wannabe thunder chick is at it again. I can't say anything on his posts without her following up with something.
by shebang bang May 6, 2015
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When a person is talking about a certain famous act (such as a band), and another follower in the conversation decides to say that he/she likes them, yet they can only name their most notable work because they hear it as often as everybody else because. This is usually carried out because they want to appeal to or impress their target of interest.
Person 1: dude i love muse they're so awesome

Person 2: same here

Person 1: can you name two songs by them besides uprising and resistance

Person 2: nope

Person 1: wow what a subject wannabe...
by Rya13 March 26, 2011
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An entitled woman who acts snobby, and is loud, rude, and disrespectful.
I can tell by how cocky and arrogant she acts that she has to be a Cardi B wannabe.
by Rock 'n' April 7, 2022
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viherissä oleva vammaisluokkalainen joka haluaisi olla mummo, mutta on vasta seiskaluokkalainen :/ näyttää tosiaan aika paljon mummolta lol
lol kato tuol on se wannabe granny :--D
by ankka3002 November 26, 2018
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