It's a bear that patrols malls, often catching bad shoppers and putting them in mall jails. One of many mall cop animals.
Ralph: It's been a rough day. The mall grizzly out here is really crazy.

Emily: Do you think we can trap them? We need some honey.

Ralph: No, mall grizzlies don't eat honey, they eat money!!
by Dusty's Baby Powder October 9, 2010
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It's a bear that patrols malls, often catching bad shoppers and putting them in mall jails. One of many mall cop animals.
Ralph: It's been a rough day. The mall grizzly out here is really crazy.

Emily: Do you think we can trap them? We need some honey.

Ralph: No, mall grizzlies don't eat honey, they eat money!!
by Dusty's Baby Powder October 9, 2010
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Like a stellite mall or a corner mall or mini mall.

Pod just gives more of a clustery, other worldly feel.

Like the famous line from "Bill and Teds Excellant Adventure"

"Strange things are afoot down at the Circle K"
Some of the best regional food in LA can be found at pod malls
by Silsurf June 10, 2004
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A mall in King of Prussia that rich kids from the main line go to to take instagram pictures and juul (also not rich kids from the surrounding kinda ghetto areas but not rlly ghetto lol). You might be very overwhelmed by the sheer vastness of this mall you might be able to catch a wild middle schooler hanging out at pacsun or pink. Beware of this mall on weeks before major holidays or on big sale days. If you want actual good food you have to go to the fancy food court near all the luxury brands.

PS for all the good stores go in through nordstrom
YO, do you guys wanna hang at kop mall on friday?
yeah the popular kids from bcms might be there!

Friend 1: Let's go to aerie at kop mall I need a new bra.
Friend 2: Sure we can stop in Abercrombie
by one of the many mayas February 22, 2019
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When you have not shaved in a long time and then you fuck a bitch
Shit Girl! What I have a Boulevard Mall! What?
by Mike , Rich February 2, 2009
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When you enter a mall and cannot leave before you have consumed an alcoholic beverage at each vendor within the mall, (networks of malls).
Wanna leave work early and mall hop?

What happened on your last mall hop?
by Professor Foil April 29, 2022
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