Tipo…um zoom, tipo…a cara tipo de alguma…de…de uma personagem ou tipo…de alguma coisa, né?
Por acaso está ahah os close-ups ou la como essa merda se chama ahah
by Realwildcat May 29, 2023
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Jenny Craig, the weight loss and nutrition business, is closing its doors after four decades, according to internal communications obtained by NBC News.

The company reportedly announced to employees in an email late Tuesday that they are shutting down "due to its inability to secure additional financing."
Jenny Craig to close its doors after nearly four decades What?
by SPrice1980 May 5, 2023
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a SpongeBob book never meant to be seen by the public in which there’s a lot of penis
(not canon btw)
Hey you wanna read a book?
sure what book
Behind closed doors
by omgwhatiswhy July 19, 2023
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The point at which a door is almost closed, but there is just enough space for a cat to get through, usually done intentionally as to not lock a cat out of a room.
"Can you please Cat Close the door when you leave my room? I want some privacy, but I don't want to lock the cat out."
by Honk on YT November 9, 2020
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CLOSE Asf means very close and can’t be used instead of the word “friends without benefits
Me and Kat are close af
by Bsndj October 21, 2019
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This is how close you are to snapping. But it can be used in virtually any way, so there's multiple possibilities. Don't forget to show everyone how close you are after using it.
Brittney: Oh my gooooosh, I'm this fucking close to throwing hands with that bitch!!
Jessica: I totally know what you mean, I'm this fucking close to kissing Bryan!!

Greg: Hey bro, I'm this fucking close to being at your house.
James: That's cool bro, I'm this fucking close to finishing this game!
by MeepMoopPeepPoop December 3, 2020
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Having sex with a girl that is ugly or of no class. (Slag)
I scored a close range header last night boys it had to be done
by Flairy March 5, 2018
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