The period of time where a person is actively monogamous with their spouse.
Friend: Hey man are you going to hook up with Becky later.
Husband: I can't. I'm spousually active right now.
by Sharktopuss August 11, 2020
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yo bro i smoked a fat doob im on some helmet level activity
by The gasser August 10, 2021
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Any situation where everything visible is PG, but anything goes where vision is obscured. Often applies to public pools.
Jon had such a frenzy of activity in the pool that they had to drain it later to clean
by Horsey McHorserider February 3, 2021
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the act of putting effort into finding other things to do, rather than doing what it is you should acctually be doing.
Mitch: I really didn't want to do my homework, but I couldn't find anything else to do, so I went and got my nipple pierced.

Frank: just to get out of doing your homework? you were actively procrastinating!
by PlaidLad May 28, 2010
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(v) An activity that requires a lager brain.
Goob is hydrating with Liquid IV before he gets drunk such 5head activity.
by cillaver August 3, 2022
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when someone looks over your shoulder at your text messages or phone content and comments on what they have read on your phone.

happens most when lying in bed with someone, or in the car.
Harry: why are you talking to that guy still?

Amanda: why are you active phone sniping right now? im not your girlfriend, this isn't your business!
by misterstanwood August 21, 2011
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(T)typical (T)tea(A) activities.
a person named tea does a / goes through an event seen as traumatic

such as breaking a bone, spraining an ankle, tearing a muscle, almost getting hit by a car, having a chair thrown at you, ect.
PERSON 1 Yeah..and then he almost stabbed me, typical tea activities though.
PERSON 2 Tea, what the actual fuck.
by teathepot August 14, 2023
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