When a female sneezes/queefs causing the tampon in her vagina to shoot out like a bullet from an m-16. Deadly at close range if hit directly.
Did you hear how terry died….apparently Meghanns cooter shooter when off and killed him.
by PJohns3372 August 17, 2023
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A portable high-velocity cannon made for the sake of shooting salad as a weapon.
"OMG! Some drunk ass thessalonian just pulled a drive-by salad shooter on my filthy Egg McMustache!"
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The act of shitting thy brains out from ingesting bad food
Man I had a terrible salad shooter last night.
by The atomic cornbread October 15, 2020
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the term used to describe your fathers favorite friend of yours if his/her name begins with a p or if your father has seen his penis slanging and respects it
God damn p shooter it’s been a while since you’ve been around
by jmp definition June 6, 2022
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When someone is black out drunk and takes a half full beer bottle and pushes the bottle into their rectum. They then proceed to tip the bottle upside down, poring beer into their rectum and lower intestine. They pull the bottle out and spray the surrounding party-goers with shitty beer.
Ben: "Hey Doug, beer-shoot these girls".

Doug proceeds to do a beer-shooter.

Doug: "Those girls deserved that shitty beer".

Ben: "That was a hell a of a spray bro".
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When a man roastes a marshmallow on an open flame. Then takes the insides out leaving a shell the he comes into it and gives it to his friend
John wanted a sweet and salty treat while camping so I gave him a Marshmallow shooter.
by 417wsm February 17, 2023
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