Blanche Devereaux's phrase from "The Golden Girls." Used in reference to possible sexual encounters with individuals working in country/western related professions. See yippie ki-yay
"That rodeo cowboy is taking me out to dinner then giving me private roping lessons. Yippie K-Y!"
by ASL-ASM August 26, 2007
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fiverr - yippie ka yay

popular phrase that john mclean(played by bruce willis)used in his popular movie spin off of die hard...the phrase usullay occurs when mclean is about to do something crazy.

IT´s YIPPIE KA YAY and nothing else plz spel Yippiekayay
right, this is it okay!
by xandex April 6, 2010
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1.(noun) A group of yobs, that tend to hang around the chav areas, often referred to "da crew" or "rock solid" by homies.
Favourite drinks includes blue WKD and Smirnoff Ice (if you're really well off)

2.(adj) To be hard/think you're hard.
Yippie Yo Gangsta: Hey mate, got that WKD fellar?
A: Uh oh, there goes some Yippie Yo Gangstas. Best avoid them.
by johnnyjohndictionary April 21, 2009
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a popular phrase that john mclean(played by bruce willis)used in his popular movie spin off of die hard...the phrase usullay occurs when mclean is about to do something crazy.
villan-mclean prepare to die
mclean-yippy ka yay muthafuka"shoots villan in chest"
by agentsmit462 October 11, 2007
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Motherfucker that’s all about ford trucks and listens/sings country music
by Anibar July 21, 2022
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