Those little blips in space and time that objects you drop or even just set down fall into, and what should be right in front of you on the floor or table is now 6 feet away and under the couch.
"Where is the remote? I just had it!" *tosses all the couch cushions, looks under table* WTF? I just saw it drop here ! Sneaky Wormholes! ----- 20 minutes later....WTF? How did it get under the TV stand?
by Mad Morrigan October 1, 2017
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When you stick a worm in your urethra and you have to ejaculate it out before it crawls in.
Mom: Jordan, do the damn dishes!
Jordan: Hang on, i'm doing a Wormhole wank!

Mom: You kept the bait from fishing earlier?
by jillstobbs_ September 9, 2017
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"How was the male on male sex?"
" Pretty wild. He sat on a plug, had me lube up my hand and forearm then I proceeded to open the wormhole"
by Farn Darngins September 30, 2020
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