The technique used to test if a girl is, how you say, shaved or not; the process by which you start touching a girls stomach and then quickly swing a finger below her her belt and swoosh it back up (in a windshield wiper movement) before she can tell you you are being too forward.
On a first date I used the windshield wiper to find out what i really wanted to know about her. She had a jungle down there!
by ABC Maryland April 19, 2006
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Sticking a penis extremely far into a rectum, picking the other person up by way of penis, and moving them side to side in midair.
Friend 1: How are you and your girlfriend doing?
Friend 2: We broke up. She wanted me to windshield wiper her too often.
by tymajors April 1, 2015
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Refers to the days before anti-lock brakes where if you stomped the brake pedal, it would almost throw you through the windshield because the brakes would lock up instantaniously. Especially effective when messing with sleeping friends.
Friend1: Dude, wtf, easy on the brakes!
Friend2: Sorry, this cars old school, nothing but the windshield brakes.
by gothfan20 September 12, 2012
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A signature dance move to be performed at any and every occasion where a dance floor is made available (i.e. weddings, brisks, funerals, etc). The hands are put up and waved back and forth similar to windshield wipers.
Dude! Dynamite just came on the radio! Do the windshield wiper!

Awww man! Look at that hot chick by the wedding cake doing the windshield wiper.
by a-baby, kezzurp, s-money October 11, 2010
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Noun; The term used for taking one's dick and rubbing it back and forth on another's forehead.
Used in a sentence: Last night I managed to give that slut the windshield wiper when she wasn't looking.
by Jholiday, Bell-dini November 14, 2013
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When the girl sucks your dick you then ejaculate on her face and then use your dick to wipe it all of.
by aylibar12 December 8, 2008
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