It's like awesome, but better, we found this out by saying, awesome and one of uss said that "no its not awesome, its aue-tum"(pronounced ow tum)
omg her dress is soo aue-tum
the way he soid aue-tum was so aue-tum
by aue-tum man 69 August 16, 2009
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Is an expression to say: Stop, Finish, change of issue.
Is when a person don't wanna speak nothing about something
or someone.

It was created for two friends in the school.
Have you looked to Jimmy?
NO, i haven't, i don't wanna talk about him, SHUM-TUM!!!
by itsmeJesus October 13, 2010
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A girl who has a large beer belly after drinking too many pints with the boys.
Dude look at her down that pint, and check out her huge gut. She's such a Tum Boy
by swellyeah December 1, 2009
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This phenomenon occurs when a man or woman has a beer belly and s/he wears a belt in the middle creating a bum-like effect.

See photo: This phenomenon occurs when a man or woman has a beer belly and s/he wears a belt in the middle creating a bum-like effect.
Amaya: Ashleigh, do you think this belt looks nice?
Ashleigh: nah. I think it gives you double bum tum
by No dbt August 16, 2015
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1. A cat from T.S Elliott's "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats". Like Tiger Woods, he sleeps around. Many debate whether it is just with the female cats. Often seen ticking off Mr. Mistoffelees or his brother, Munkustrap. Tugger seems to have a habit of being loud, obnoxious, crude, attention craving, and clingy.
2. Anything that can be described as a terrible bore.
3. A male whore who craves attention.
"The Rum Tum Tugger is a terrible bore."~Mr. Mistoffelees
by CheshireAxel January 5, 2010
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Rum Tum Tugger is a colloquial term for an actor or musician who has a sexual conquest with a member of his/her audience after a performance. Derives its name from a character in Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical "Cats" on account of Rum Tum Tugger's curious affinity for breaking the imaginary fourth wall and entering the audience.
You little Rum Tum Tugger you! I knew that you would sleep with that girl from the second row!
Easy there, Lyndsay, just because I talked to your sister between Acts doesn't mean I am trying to Rum Tum Tugger.
Break out the makeup, my cat costume, and have the set guy give him a backstage pass, I'm up for some Rum Tum Tugger action tonight!
by WBK May 25, 2007
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