A person who is sexually attracted to men, women and potatoes.
by baccrevue August 6, 2012
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One who is attracted to the opposite sex, their own sex, and dogs.
After Richard was found to be Trisexual, society and his wife never quite accepted him again.
by Zombie of Belushi January 3, 2010
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A person who is interested in having sex not only with an opposite sex but also with same or anything. Trisexual is basically a person who will do anything to get pleasure, be it have sex with a girl, or have sex with a rubber doll. 95% of the time when a trisexual has sex with same gender, he does not have any kind of romantic feelings for him, just purely sexual desire for pleasure and nothing more.
Guy 1: He loves his girlfriend, but he wanted more then just pussy, so he tried having sex with a shemale to get pleasure from the anus g-spot.

Guy 2: So what does that make him?
Guy 1: Trisexual
by PsychoDevil March 23, 2010
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one who cannot sexually choose between males, females, and themselves
Andrew: Damn, Sarah is looking fine today...so is Jim... so is my hand.
Bill: Dude, you're sol trisexual
by dooblet February 17, 2011
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A person who can be attracted to three different genders.

This could often be the two binary genders (male and female) plus another non-binary gender such as bigender or agender. Though it could also be only one or neither of the binary genders and two or three non-binary genders.
Someone might also describe themselves as trisexual if they are attracted to males and/or females and also transgender people.

Trisexuals could also be described as being 'polysexual'. (Attracted to multiple but not all genders)
"I identify as trisexual, not bi, because I like boys and girls but I'd also date a trans person."

"She's dated both men and women and also a couple of agender people, so she identifies as trisexual."

"I used to think I was bisexual but then I stared getting crushes on another gender so I decided I was trisexual."
by N9GB June 11, 2014
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It means when you see sex, you tri it!
I am trisexual; I`ll try anything
by foreign lauren July 21, 2006
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to have sex with your own sex, the opposite sex and yourself...and possibly animals, i don't know whether they count as hairy people.
oh my! a trisexual, don't you want to just be sick, they are so disgusting, sex withoneself, then others...of both sexes!?!?
by jack February 11, 2005
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