n. hot girlfriend, usually with a spectacular booty. sexy as f*ck. A chick you want to go in and out of and bang on.
Dude that's one nice DOOR you got there.

girlfriend hot chick f*ck bang shawty
by kenya99608 October 5, 2011
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To hit or strike someone with a door, usually with agression or in self defense.
Man, i just doored the fuck out of that asshole.
by mr_goodnuts September 11, 2004
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a door...hmm where do i start?
a door is something that you open or slide in order to get into a room or out of a room doors usually have knobs in which you twist to open the door
by briget December 5, 2004
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The Doors kill only to clear the way for rebirth; they hint at the eternal rhythmic balance of life and death. Four Doors: John Densmore, drums. Ray Manzarek, organ. Robby Kreiger, guitar. And of course, Jim Morrison.
The Doors kill only to clear the way for rebirth; they hint at the eternal rhythmic balance of life and death. Four Doors: John Densmore, drums. Ray Manzarek, organ. Robby Kreiger, guitar. And of course, Jim Morrison. Morrison becomes intoxicated by the danger of his poetry, and, sexual in an almost psychopathic way. His richly textured voice taunts and teases and threatens and throbs. With incredible vocal control and the theatrical projection of a Shakespearean star, he plays with the audiences emotions. The Doors embodied the zeitgeist, with all of its spiritual awareness, and liberating transcendence of obsolete cultural values, but embodied it with a potency concentration and theatrical vehemence that was totally unexpected. They flaunted rather than soft-pedaled the threat that the new culture presented to the old culture, and both cultures were left rather reeling by the experience. Today, the majority of American icons are too busy riding to the hounds of commerce or favour, rather then riding the wave of uncompromising, primal, poetic energy that The Doors offered. When the Doors performed it was a religious experience between them and the audience. They were able to move people to a kind of emotional orgasm through the medium of words and music.
by PoeticPoetry May 6, 2009
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by FatMuffin44 October 8, 2017
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Used to describe people or characters who have a flat ass
by Multifandom Gorl September 7, 2020
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