Jon-Mikl Thor, the Canadian bodybuilder turned rocker and Z-rated movie star.
A.K.A. "The Legendary Rock Warrior", "Thunderhawk"

Let's tune our weapons!
by Andizzle4Life August 18, 2005
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Nautical term used by homosexual sailor when committing sexual advanced to young and unexperienced sailorboys.
Homosexual sailor: Hey you Sailorboy, let's go below and have some thor.
by Adm. Cornelius Cruys May 6, 2005
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A fat white kid who enjoys sticking GI Joe's up his anus during his spare time normally occurs in BC.
thor A fat white kid who enjoys sticking GI Joe's up his anus during his spare time normally occurs in BC.
by Cracalacin Camron Jacklin October 28, 2008
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Person with small penis Thor is a faggot with no friends he gets off to guys a lot Thor is a runner he will hit u and run like a little bitch Thor is the biggest pussy u can find
by Lofshsryjvs December 5, 2016
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someone or something that can be classified as stupid or unfortunate
Ew, Jaime is so thor!
by kira smith January 21, 2005
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Me: google big thor then go to images
Person: bro wtf
by a guy with a big thor October 10, 2021
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The best version of our lord and savior, Thor. He's a thicc bih that still kicks ass (despite his issue with alcohol and twinkies). Will destroy you in fortnite all while braiding that intense beard. Will snatch your raccoon best friend.
by spidermanzbih June 3, 2019
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