Excellent British thrash band from the 80's that split in 1990 and whose lyrical themes focused mainly on war death and insanity, reformed in 2008 and have released three full length albums since 1986
Coke Finlay from virus: Thrash to the death! Oh wait, we're not onslaught....thank fuck!
by Slaytanicide August 17, 2010
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A sickness that people get when, say, they let their dog lick their face, or they drink really old milk. Also, a way to tell if you're a nerd is if when you hear the word "virus" you automatically think computer virus instead of a biological virus.
When I ate the three-month old hamburger, I got a virus called E. coli.
by SPORK August 24, 2003
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A desirable behaviour. Going out of your way to avoid being close to people. In the olden days (prior to the COVID19-era), it would have been seen as rude to cross the street to avoid being close to a person. There was a risk that you’d be perceived as a snob, or as a racist, or intolerant in some way of the person you were avoiding. However, in the COVID19-era and beyond, it is the best thing you can do! And it’s a bonus that no one can accuse you of being rude.
I was on my morning walk to keep me sane during the “self-isolation” period when I saw Chatty Cathy walking towards me. I crossed the street. At first, she looked a bit sad but then I hollered “it’s not you, it’s just that I’m virus dodging!”
by Mandi Harmony March 22, 2020
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The "bug" caught by fans of Russian singer Vitas that makes them sit for hours and hours entranced by his songs and videos. It is an incurable disease that affects the lives of the sufferers. Fortunately, once the disease is contracted, the affected person does not want be cured. So they must live thier lives on daily medication - his voice.
Symptoms of Vitas Virus:
You can't go to bed without hearing his voice.
You say "One more Youtube Vitas video and I will go to sleep".....2 hours later..."just one more....maybe two more. "
You constantly mumble such things as: "OMG, I love him!" "How can he be so sexy?"

You find a new Vitas picture and are still staring at it 5 minutes later....maybe 5 hours later.
Lots of Sighing
You listen to almost no other music
You think, speak and dream VITAS.
by VV Victim January 26, 2010
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Can be abbreviated to FV
by FORTNITEVIRUS October 23, 2020
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A virus attained by eating raw peanut butter.
Did you hear that Shain has the Prankitopian Virus?
by sheagunkus October 24, 2022
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It's the one person who just makes you smile no matter what. He smiles and jokes a lot. We all love him.
Park Chanyeol is happy virus.
by felicitypond February 29, 2016
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