Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth. In the wild, a male African elephant may stand 10-12 ft tall at the shoulder and weigh 5-6 tons. The huge bull elephants may weigh as much as 14,000 lb.
The largest bull elephant in Amboseli National Park, Dionysus, weighed about 15,000 lb and had tusks well over 100 lb.
by EE1 January 30, 2010
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When a guy cums in a girl's nose and she snorts it out like an elephant.
Guy A: Dude, I totally did The Elephant on my girlfriend last night!
Guy B: You are so gross...
by Pilot1234 June 9, 2010
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someone who is acting skank-like; flirting -- a lot. sometimes with only one person, when there are plenty of others around.
sara: bob was hitting on every girl today at the pool!

beth: totally. what an elephant..
by karly;; April 28, 2008
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Lets smoke some elephant.
by kolkx October 8, 2008
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Guy 1: how are you doing?

Guy 2: Not well, I have to constantly carry this elephant on my shoulders
by Raven Agreste March 18, 2021
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When a girl is wearing grey or black running tights and the ass is large and resembles an African elephant.
Friend1: "Man that elephant is huge!"

Friend2:"What elephant? I just see a girl."
Friend 1:"Exactly"
by Hsoj mons January 24, 2015
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When your smoking a pipe, and your buddy takes a big hoot, and blows all your weed out
That dumbass, he elephanted all my weed!
by Jessie C September 9, 2006
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