A derogatory way of referring to Atlantic City due to the ghetto like condition it is in.
Where's that at again?

Atlantic Shity
by awdasdgasdfasdfasdf July 22, 2009
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A poor man's Vegas, located in New Jersey. Infested with pimps, toothless, STD ridden prostitutes with a bigger dick than the people who buy them, and sound cloud rappers who also sell reggie and oil at the bus stops. In terms of things to do, theres Casinos, cash for gold shops, prostitutes, boardwalk, and getting shot. The creatures that live in it, also known as Locals, are either as fast as roaches or have oxygen tanks near by and go a top speed of 3 feet per hour. Preferably as they are in front of you on a narrow walk way.
"Hey, you wanna Go to Atlantic City?"

"Nah man, i dislike getting STDs. "
by Sleepy Sin June 30, 2017
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taking a syringe and putting semen in it and hiding it before sex, then right before you ejaculate, you take out the syringe and inject their bloodstream with semen.
Jimmy: ay bro, i hear shatankabalquandria was a freak
Russel: yea bro, she let me hit her wit that atlantic spelunking
by Tomokiman September 20, 2018
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When one urinates in another's rectum, they fart and it goes all over like a whales blowhole
Me: "Yo i gave that bitch the fattest atlantic blowhole last night, shit was gnarly"
by jack12b March 30, 2023
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I'm so white and nerdy, I edit the Atlantic Records Wikipedia page.
by Smith69420 September 25, 2020
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Formerly the British Isles, the Atlantic Isles are a group of islands off the north-western coast of continental Europe that consist of the islands of Great Britain, Ireland and over six thousand smaller isles.

The name was created due to opposition from Irish people who resent the British imperial history in Ireland.
"Good morning, those are some nice Atlantic Isles."
by Comrade Collins September 14, 2016
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