meaning: an unknown MOST LIKELY ILLEGAL weight loss drug that one covers up as diet pills. Anna Nicole the popular rep for Trim-Spa says she lost weight from the diet pills. Insiders say its from some unknown narcotic- possibly cocaine of meth.
Dude, did you see Julie? Looks like that girl might be hitting the Trim-Spa, baby.. (wink Wink)
by SamanthaCooper January 14, 2005
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The Spas-12 is a dirty shotgun in MW2. Pump-action with a surprisingly far range. First shotgun unlocked in the game.
Bob: Do you like the spas-12?
Joe: Im surgical with that bitch
by modest zebra January 12, 2010
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Its been a long day, I need to take a trip to the penis spa
by dxd2 April 29, 2018
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A night in which Sarah, Brendon, and Qiao hangs out in her dorm in the dark with cucumbers on their eyes while listening to the therapeutic sounds of a man getting tortured on zero dark thirty
ah yes come for our classic spa night this friday
by stormingstormer May 3, 2019
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The act or resulting scent of a Mediterranean person defecating on the floor while cleaning a wooden surface with lemon-scented furniture polish.
"Hey man, your house smells like Mediterranean Spa."

"Yeah, I know. I forgot to tip the cleaning lady last week."
by TheOneAndOnlyQ January 13, 2009
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Small town in the West Midlands, near to Coventry.

Known for.... well, fuck all actually.

Large and growing contingent of yuppies. Has a sizable student population.
One Underage Birmingham Kid to Another: Hey dude! Why don't we go drinking in Leam?? They NEVER ID us there.
by Colm November 16, 2003
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After a hummer/ blow job is received, the giver supplies the recipient with a steaming hot towel. The towel is applied to the affected areas generously by the giver and all is cleaned up accordingly. Viola you’ve just been given a dick spa!!
Dude, after the worlds best blow job, I received the most amazing dick spa!
by Miss_elle_b December 23, 2017
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