Things or possessions.
"I'll go and fetch my shiz"
by pushtheenvelope September 1, 2006
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Shiz is a combination of sperm and feces that is produced by a human. One will preform the act of shizing if he/she wants to obtain the highest level of satisfaction.
Chris walked up to a apartment building covered in shiz. He looked down at the street and admired the dense shiz that was surrounding his feet. As he opened the door to the apartment building, he saw a figure off into the distance that nearly made him ejaculate in his pants. Maya was standing before him covered in shiz. They immediately started to have rough intercourse until chris shized on Maya's face.
by shizmaster5000 March 24, 2011
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sweet chalk used for marking starts at the high jump pit at track meets.

also: sarah and kendra.
Yo, shiz, i need some shiz to mark this. Orange, if you got it.
by kendra (shiz) September 30, 2006
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a word to describe anything, where you could also use the word shit, but you don't have to.
eg. Hand me that shiz over there, so I can put it in the shiz.
by wallass August 18, 2008
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The odd mixture of shit and jizz sometimes found in scat porno movies. It varies in size and content ratio, but ultimately retains its universal milk chocolate color.
"Oh dude, did you see that shiz in the porno movie I sent you?" Says random dude.

"I was fapping so hard to it!" Says other random dude.

"Ugh, you guys are sick." So says the third random person.
by Dontfapatmedood August 13, 2009
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umph... umph... umphhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! oh god... shiz.
by Tiari October 8, 2006
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I ain't buyin' any of that shiz...
by shIZ April 1, 2003
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