Riddle. Induced. Bitch. Syndrome.
Comes from women who are usually not considered extremely hot, but because of ERAU's Riddle Vision, They believe they are "hot shit," when on the ranking scale out of 10, they average a 6.
She has a bad case of R. I. B. S. I wish she would shut up and stop thinking she is hot shit. All thanks to Riddle-Vision, that 6 looks like a 10.
by r.i.b.s. recipient May 27, 2015
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Pick Up Big Styleey

To pick up hot girls.

Used on the beach, it gives the male the power to identify hot ass to his friends without arousing suspicion. Often followed by a clock sign....
P .U .B .S.
3 o'clock

aww yeah, sweet bit of preteen
by drobe May 15, 2007
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-A word i made up-
Sexbox is an affectionet name anyone may call me , it can also be a sqaure box , designed persificly for each person with the word sexbox written on a side.
Sexbox;s have there own personalitys and may fall in love , you must look after them properly and treat them carefully.
1 "hey there she is ..HEY SEXBOX WERE OVER HERE"
2 "Look at my sexbox , its not like yours mine looks like a house and yours is just a box and look at how a wrote sexbox on it..aw i think the sexbox's are in love"
3 "where do you live"says girl "in my sexbox"says guy
he shuffles "im not a tramp/hobo/bum i like living in a box"
by Summer-sky / Naomi July 17, 2006
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"Submissive and Breedable".

Can be used as an adjective for a very slutty girl.
Can also be used for very feminine and girly boys.
Exemple 1: "Dude, this girl looks very fine..." "Yeh I know, I bet she is S&B, if you know what I mean~"
Exemple 2: "Dude, this boy looks very fine with that plump ass of his..." "Yeh, I bet he is S&B as fuck, would love to get his sissy ass on my crotch~..."
by SomeHornyDude November 1, 2021
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If his name starts with a B and her name starts with an S. She is required to send him nudes at his time of choosing for 1 full day and no limit on them.
Fuck ya. We're b & S you know what that means.
by Youbetyourbottom December 27, 2022
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Powers that shouldn't be.
"Man these greedy oligarchs are trying to take over the planet. I hate the banksters!"

"Oh, you mean the PT(s)B?"
by Samredd August 30, 2022
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