1. Nice name for a cat
2. Slang for women's genitals
3. Cowardly
1. I just bought a pussy from the pet store
2. I stroked her pussy
3. He didn't jump, he wass too much of a pussy!
by daimo May 13, 2003
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something boys like to finger in and out with and it squirts something
im going to use ur pussy
by DJ Constipated December 7, 2018
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only a couple of inches away from assholes, pussies generally get fucked all the time.
by Jack Hello January 18, 2005
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A drug guys will do anything to get especially die or pay for it. The love of pussy is the root of all evil. So many relationships and friendships have been destroyed because of the love of pussy. Lucky some guys are immune to it with because of the superpower homosexuality. Scientists are still trying to cure this disorder.
I lost my friend to a cunt who has a cunt he’s obsessed with pussy and that why he has 5 fucking children
by It’s true bitches October 29, 2018
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1. Could imply “Vagina"
2. Could imply "Cat"
3. Could imply "coward"

Note: when referring to someone as a "pussy" cowardly meaning is derived from def.2 as in "scaredy cat". Calling someone a "Vagina" does not make sense. Calling someone a "scaredy cat" does. Common miscommunication that results in A LOT of angered women.
1. I went to a strip club, for my 18th birthday, and could see her entire pussy; best birthday yet.

2. The pussy cat was chased up a tree by a dog

3. Your parent's won't let you go to the party? Oh come on man quit, being a pussy, and sneak out anyways.
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for children under 3: a cat, a kitty cat

for children age 11+: a chicken, a loser, someone scared

for children age 13+: a woman's vagina, something they want to stick their dick in
1: Oh look, it's a pussycat

2: Jack is such a pussy. He wouldn't smoke weed with us.

3: I want to fuck your pussy.
by luvthevajay August 23, 2010
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